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VSMC set to acquire seven technology licenses from TSMC

Singapore-based VisionPower Semiconductor Corporation will purchase a range of technology licenses from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company for around $150 million. The tech is needed to support its 300mm wafer fab in Singapore.

A few weeks ago, Vanguard International Semiconductor (VIS) and NXP Semiconductors announced a new manufacturing joint venture. They agreed to build a new semiconductor manufacturing facility under a newly formed entity, VisionPower Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (VSMC), 

The JV fab will support 130nm to 40nm mixed-signal, power management and analog products, targeting the automotive, industrial, consumer and mobile end markets. In this new announcement, VSMC has confirmed it will obtain licenses for seven TSMC technologies, ranging from 130nm (nanometer) to 40nm. The licences are need to support the needs of customers from the automotive and electronics industries.

The plan is to start construction of the initial phase of the wafer fab in the second half of 2024, with initial production targeted to be available to customers in 2027. The total cost of the initial build-out is expected to be USD 7.8 billion. VSMC will operate as an independent, commercial foundry supplier, and its plant will have an expected output of 55,000 300mm wafers per month in 2029. 

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