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AI chip IP firm Expedera raises $20m

Startup Expedera, which licenses edge inference AI semiconductor intellectual property, has completed a Series B funding round.

The new round was led by indie Semiconductor, and brings the company's total funding to more than USD 47 million. Expedera says the cash will help it to advance its scalable neural engine semiconductor IP for edge AI inference applications, and expand its global engineering footprint.

Analysts are bullish about edge AI, which reduces the need to transmit data to centralised cloud servers. Gartner predicts that more than 55% of AI analysis will move to the edge by 2025. Meanwhile Fortune Business Insights estimates the global edge AI market could grow by a 31.7% CAGR through 2029 to more than USD 100 billion.

"Since our Series A round, Expedera has dramatically increased the capabilities of our Origin hardware and software stack, added support for leading-edge neural networks, grown our customer base, and expanded into a global company," said Da Chuang, Expedera co-founder and CEO. "The addition of indie as lead among our new investors, and the continued support of our existing investors is a testament to the strength of Expedera's NPU solutions."

Expedera has production license contracts with multiple smartphone OEMs and numerous automotive, AR/VR/MR, and consumer device chipset makers. Its Origin IP has been deployed in over 10 million devices.

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