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Varta: progress is being made in solving the cyberattack

One week after the cyberattack on parts of Varta AG's IT systems, initial progress has been made. The task force is currently working with the support of IT forensic experts and data analysts on the step-by-step testing and recommissioning of the systems.

However, Varta states in an update that there is currently no reliable information on how long it will take to process and resolve the attack or on when production at all five global production sites (Ellwangen, Nördlingen, Dischingen, Brasov/Romania and Batam/Indonesia) will be fully operational. Though, the company does expect the first parts of the plants to start up again this week.

Non-IT-based processes can continue to run in the meantime. This makes it possible for Varta to deploy employees in all plants for maintenance, servicing and preparatory work – which means that customer orders can be processed again as quickly as possible once production has restarted. 

However, the parts of the workforce that are unable to carry out their normal activities due to the consequences of the cyberattack will be deployed as best as possible for preparatory tasks and process improvements. 

Varta says that it is now clear that the cyberattack was carried out by an organised group of hackers who managed to break through the security standards of the company's IT systems. The authorities have been informed and the police have formally started an investigation. The amount of the possible damage and the extent to which it is covered by insurance is part of the ongoing investigation.

The impact of the cyberattack on the ongoing restructuring of Varta is also currently being investigated. 

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