Electronics Production |

GPV continues to grow, adds another factory in Slovakia

In June 2023, EMS provider GPV entered a lease agreement with the aim to establish a new electronics factory in Slovakia.

The additional factory is situated in Piestany, close distance to GPV’s two existing electronics factories in the country. 

The new factory comprises of a total of 18,000 square metres. GPV says in a press release that it initially will use 11,000 square metres with the option to expand and use the remaining 7,000 square metres at a later stage, if needed. GPV says that the new factory is expected to start production in early 2024.

The EMS provider states in the press release that customers – for a long period – have been requesting additional production capacity in "best-cost Europe". Shortly after the merger with Enics in October 2022, GPV managed to expand production capacity to accommodate these customer needs in the short run. But simultaneously, GPV has been looking for a possibility to establish additional production capacity in "best-cost Europe".

“With the additional space in Slovakia, we will have an even stronger operational footprint in best-cost Europe. We have a strong pipeline driven by increased demand from satisfied customers and we have a strategic ambition to regionalise European demand also in the light of the ESG agendas. Furthermore, we experience a big appetite towards best-cost Europe from existing and new potential customers, who wish to be served close to their core markets,” says Bo Lybæk. CEO at GPV in the press release.

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