NCAB Group acquires db electronic in Germany
PCB supplier NCAB Group continues its expansion via the acquisition of db electronic, based in Waldshut-Tiengen in southern Germany, db electronic AG in Switzerland and db electronic SAS in France.
The three companies have been consolidated into NCAB Group as of today.
db electronic is primarily focused on so-called Quick turnarounds, in other words, smaller series with short delivery times, which complements NCAB's portfolio in Europe. Their main purchases of PCBs are made from factories in South Korea.
The majority, about 85% of db electronic' sales, comes from Germany. Switzerland and France account for approximately 15% and 5% of sales, respectively. The company has about 20 employees. Sales in 2022 amounted to EUR 11 million with an EBITA margin of approximately 15%, a press release reads.
Benjamin Klingenberg, VP of NCAB's Segment Europe says that the addition of db electronic will complement NCAB's European operations well and will provide cross-selling opportunities.
"Being able to provide our customers with fast deliveries of small series is particularly valuable when it comes to product development and prototypes. db electronic will therefore also be able to provide NCAB's customers with new opportunities. Gaining access to new factory partners in South Korea is also very attractive to us and our customers," Klingenberg says in the press release.
"I am very pleased to have come across this ideal symbiosis with NCAB when realigning the strategy of db electronic. We both live by high values and offer successful and comprehensive customer service. Employees are challenged and encouraged,” says Daniel Böck, CEO of the db electronic group.