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Samsung is looking to invest in Indian manufacturing

The South Korean electronics giant is reportedly looking to invest at set up smart manufacturing capabilities at its smartphone plant in Noida, India, in order to increase the competitiveness of the production.

In a response to a PTI query (Planning Time Index),  T M Roh, Samsung Electronics President and Head of Mobile eXperience Business, said that the company will continue to invest in R&D facilities in the country, reports the Financial Times.

"We will continue our investment to bring the optimised and or smart factory to the Noida facilities. We will continue our investment there. I believe that our investment for the smart factory will bring competitiveness in the production," Roh said.

The company currently has close to 70,000 employees in the country, which its been manufacturing in since 1996. The company’s second-largest manufacturing facility is located in Noida, India and Samsung also has a major development centre in Bengaluru.

Roh continued to explain that Samsung India has been focussing on make in India, make for India – but that the company, besides meeting the domestic need to use it as a hub for export.

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July 23 2024 1:29 am V22.5.13-1