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New copper centre will recycle cables in Finland

A EUR 7 million processing plant targeting the recycling of aluminium and copper materials will be completed next year in Heinola, Finland.

2023 will see the completion of Kuusakoski’s new Copper Centre. The company states in a press release that the new centre is intended to process cables, radiators, transformers, and other copper-containing products nationwide. Until now, the company has only had similar operations in Skelleftehamn, Sweden.

”Our new copper centre is unique in Finland. With this investment, we are able to serve our customers more locally, which is not only more sustainable for the environment but also financially profitable – both for us and for our customers”, says President and CEO Mikko Kuusilehto, in the press release.

The facility consists of a pre-crushing line and a separation line. The operations will a production capacity of about 2.5 tons per hour, which means that about 40 tons of copper can be produced per week. This, according to the company, corresponds to the amount of copper used in approximately 500 electric cars.

The investment under construction will be integrated into Kuusakoski´s recycling plant in Heinola. The renovation work at the property and the construction of the infrastructure began last spring. The company expects to have the new copper centre fully operational in March 2023.

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July 23 2024 1:29 am V22.5.13-1