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DRAM module house revenue to grow 7% YoY

Spurred by pandemic-induced lifestyle changes in the past two years, demand for distance education grew and sales of electronic products boomed, driving the growth of DRAM module shipments.

According to TrendForce statistics, overall 2021 sales in the global DRAM module market reached USD 18.1 billion, with an annual growth rate of approximately 7%. Due to different business strategies employed by each module house, revenue distribution among module houses varied.

According to TrendForce statistics, the world's top five memory module houses accounted for 90% of total sales in 2021. The top ten also include 97% of global module market turnover. Kingston accounts for nearly 80% of the market and it is hard to buck the trend of the rich getting richer. In terms of business strategy, Kingston actively introduced IT (Information Technology) and provides a highly customised production model, leading to continuous growth in shipment scale and driving its revenue growth by 8.0%, ranking first.

ADATA largely ships consumer products. In 2021, revenue benefited from demand generated by the stay-at-home economy, spurring significant growth in both shipments and per unit sales pricing.  The company aggressively optimised costs and increased gross profit, pushing revenue growth to 18.5%, ranking second. Corsair comes in third with solid revenue performance. However, the company specializes in the e-sports market. In 2H21, shipments slowed slightly hindered by a GPU shortage and revenue declined marginally by 3.1% as a result. The products of another U.S. company, SMART Module, have pervaded the industrial computer field in recent years with their main source of revenue being Europe and the United States. After lockdowns were lifted, demand in Europe and the United States recovered significantly, driving SMART Module’s revenue growth by 14.6% and taking the company from a sixth ranking in 2020 to fourth.

Module Demand in China relatively weak due to spread of pandemic

The order of Chinese module houses has changed slightly in this ranking while POWEV remains in fifth. In addition to a complete product portfolio, the company also aggressively explores offline channels, and is the first to launch DDR5 modules, all of which have contributed to revenue to a certain extent.

Kimtigo ranks sixth in terms of 2021 revenue, primarily due to the pandemic in China, weak customer demand, and declining unit sales prices causing poor revenue performance. Ramaxel was affected by weak purchasing momentum in China and supply chain shortages, its shipment figures falling compared with 2020, moving the company into the seventh position.

Innodisk makes great strides in developing AIoT smart applications, ranking first in growth

The revenue of Team Group dropped slightly by 3.4% in 2021, primarily due to a disappointing Chia Coin cryptocurrency market causing a decline in the shipment of related products. However, Team Group has been active in the industrial computer market in recent years, which is expected to stabilize future revenue growth performance. Innodisk, ranked ninth, not only sells industrial computer products, but is also actively developing the AIoT market. Its applications encompass networking and smart cities. These sectors contributed greatly to revenue in 2021, delivering a growth rate as high as 64.7%, the highest among the top ten ranks. Apacer, ranked tenth, has focused on the high-unit price industrial computer market in recent years, accounting for 70% of its revenue. In 2021, it benefit from the recovery of demand to stimulate an increase in per unit sales price, driving revenue growth by 36.2%, and its development in the industrial computer field cannot be underestimated.

CompanyDRAM rankingDRAM revenue (US$ Million)DRAM market share (%)
Kingston Technology1114.26113.2008.0%78.7%78.0%
ADATA Technology2264054018.5%3.5%3.2%
SMART Modular Technologies4645940114.6%2.5%2.4%
Team Group87168174-3.4%0.9%1.0%
Apacer Technology10914510636.2%0.8%0.6%
Others  51043018.6%2.8%2.5%
Total DRAM revenue  18.11316.9207.0%100%100%
Global memory module revenue ranking – 2021

For more information visit TrendForce

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