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A new European giga factory is on the way

Impact Clean Power Technology begins construction of GigafactoryX, a "giant" battery factory for electric vehicles in Poland said to make the company one of the largest producers of battery systems for transportation in Europe.

The factory will produce battery systems for the public transport, railroad sector and stationary energy storage, aimed towards both the professional energy sector and individual users, a press release reads. 

According to the company, the investment will multiply the company's production capacity up to 5 GWh per year, in relation to the current daily production of 1 MWh.

Production is planned for 2024, and is said to guarantee the security of the supply of battery systems for "the world's largest brands". The production lines is also said to be "highly automated".

According to the forecasts of leading companies analyzing the market, we estimate that in the next five years the growth of demand for battery systems in Europe will be maintained at a double-digit level. Such a significant increase in production capacity will allow us to maintain our position as a leading manufacturer of e-mobility solutions for public transport and industry. For our customers, the GigafactoryX is a guarantee of large order volumes, availability of service and on-time delivery based on the European supply chain, comments Filip Jankun, sales director at Impact Clean Power Technology S.A, in the press release. 

We have built a very strong team of engineers and professionals in the company, thanks to whom the next generations of innovative battery systems have been developed in our laboratory for years. We supply our products to markets throughout Europe and in the United States and Asia. All over the world, IMPACT batteries power electric buses, streetcars, trolleybuses and industrial machines. In the area of energy storage, we are involved in groundbreaking RES projects in Poland, says Bartłomiej Kras, CEO and co-founder of Impact Clean Power Technology S.A, in the press release. 

Construction of the GigafactoryX will involve the employment of approximately 200 new employees. 

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