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Global semiconductor market expected to grow 16.3% in 2022

Following a strong growth year of 26.2% in the year 2021, World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) expects another year of double-digit growth for the worldwide semiconductor market in 2022 with a forecast of USD 646 billion, up 16.3%, reports ESIA.

WSTS forecasts strong chip demand for another consecutive year, with most major categories expected to see high teens year-over-year growth in 2022, led by Logic with 20.8% growth, Analog with 19.2% growth, and Memory with 18.7% growth. Optoelectronics remains the weakest category in the forecast and is expected to be roughly flat (+0.3%) year-over-year.

In 2022, all geographical regions are expected to show growth. The largest region, Asia Pacific, is expected to grow 13.9%. The Americas are expected to show growth of 22.6%, Europe 20.8%, and Japan 12.6%.

Worldwide semiconductor market growth is expected to grow further in 2023

For 2023, the global semiconductor market is projected to grow by 5.1% to USD 680 billion, driven by mid-single digit growth in the Logic and Analog categories. In this latest forecast, the Logic category is projected to reach USD 200 billion in 2023, roughly 30% of the total market.

All other product categories are also expected to show positive growth rates. All regions are expected to grow in 2023.

Spring 2022Amounts in USD millionYoY growth in %
Asia Pacific342,967390,618411,97326.2%13.9%5.5%
Total world – USD millions555,893390,618411,97326.5%16.3%5.1%
Discrete Semiconductors30,33733,444679,65026.2%10.2%3.8%
Integrated Circuits463,002547,31922,95928.2%18.2%5.4%
Total products – USD millions555,893646,456679,65026.2%16.3%5.1%
WSTS forecast summary

Note: Numbers in the table are rounded to whole millions of dollars, which may cause totals by region and totals by product group to differ slightly.

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July 23 2024 1:29 am V22.5.13-2