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Fuji America expands its service operations

Fuji America is expanding its service team resources to support a fast-growing customer base in the southern United States.

In order to maintain effective post-sale support, the Fuji service team is setting up shop in Tampa, Florida – headed by Technical Service Engineer Watan Alshakhly.. 

“With our growing installed base in the southern United States, opening an office in Florida allows us to strengthen our partnership with our customers and respond quickly to all their needs,” says Tony Picciola, Technical Services Manager at Fuji, in a press release. “From help with preventive maintenance, training staff or assisting with troubleshooting, Fuji is nearby to assist.” 

As the expansion continues, Fuji says that it expects to address machine service inquiries in the southern US at an increased pace.

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July 23 2024 1:29 am V22.5.13-1