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SMT House Group becomes a part of CAT Growth

Swedish SMT House and SMT Renting has found itself a new owner as the company becomes a part of Swiss private market investment company CAT Growth AG.

Ole Thers, CEO of SMT House Group & SMT Renting, says in a press release that with CAT Growth onboard the company get a stronger foundation to exploit its business potential and to continue the growth expansion the company is currently experiencing.

“With focus on accelerating and investing in the strategy that SMT Renting already has, we get a platform and capital strength that is in a completely different gear. We are very excited and happy to have CAT Growth onboard. Now we look forward to take SMT Renting to the next level” says Ole Thers.

Martin Ziehbrunner, CEO of CAT Growth AG draws parallels between SMT Rentings business model and car leasing – where the useage of the product is more important than the ownership of it.

”SMT Renting has clearly stated their position in the market for many years with their flexible financing concept tailor-made for electronic manufacturers. SMT Renting offers a unique concept including financing, service and technical benefits that are incomparable with other offerings available in today’s market for electronic manufacturers, both OEM and EMS companies. With the renting concept SMT Renting has developed, more and more companies are realizing that the use of their production line is more important than the ownership of it.” says Martin Ziehbrunner.

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