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Blackstone receives subsidy and operating permit for 3D battery production

Blackstone Resources' German subsidiary, Blackstone Technology GmbH, has received the official operating-permit from the authorities of the city of Döbeln to start production of 3D printed Li-ion battery-cells.

In addition, the Sächsische Aufbaubank, SAB, has approved subsidy-funding for the investments. Blackstone Technology GmbH is building manufacturing facilities for the production of 3D printed battery-cells in Döbeln, Saxony, Germany. Production will start in September 2021 after the installation of the machineries and equipments is completed, a press release reads. An application for this was submitted to the building authorities in May. The operating permit was handed over by the Lord Mayor of the city of Döbeln during an official meeting with the CEO and CFO of Blackstone Resources AG, Baar, and the CEO of Blackstone Technology GmbH, Döbeln. Blackstone has applied for GRW funding from the Sächsische Aufbaubank for the construction of the serial-plants in Döbeln. The joint task "Improvement of the regional economic structure" (GRW) has as its central funding priority the support of investments in the commercial economy. The Sächsische Aufbaubank has now handed over the decision for a 20% subsidy for the investment expenditure to Blackstone.

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July 23 2024 1:29 am V22.5.13-2