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Indian ODM continues to grow - adds new SMT lines

Electronics engineering and manufacturing company VDN Technologies is continuing its growth path and expands its manufacturing capacity by adding new SMT lines.

The company continues its business growth amidst the global pandemic by taking up several measures taken to safeguard its operations and employees. VVDN even continued its hiring process and employed more than 2,500 people during the pandemic to boost manufacturing output, the company states in a press release. The company says that its manufacturing business has witnessed key growth with the capacity expansion by adding new SMT lines, mechanical mold and injection molding production expansion as well as die casting facility. The company says that it has undertaken several measures to counteract supply chain challenges by leveraging its strong supplier and silicon partnerships. “VVDN is known for its business resilience and commitment to its customers. While we all know it has been a tough year with regards to the Pandemic, witnessing growth in manufacturing has instilled a whole new level of confidence in our employees as well as our customers. We owe this to our people who defied all the odds and entrusted us. The addition of new SMT Lines and another Mechanical Tooling facility, which also houses our new Die Casting facility, to our set up has resulted in the increase in our manufacturing numbers by multi fold. We have also hired in record numbers in the past year to ensure business and deliveries were not affected and our commitments to our clients were honored. The company is proud to have not only met the deadlines but also boost manufacturing,” says CEO of VVDN Technologies, Mr. Puneet Agarwal, in the press release. In May, VVDN had initiated a Covid-19 Vaccination Drive for its employees. In the first and second phases of the employee vaccination drive, more than 1,500 employees and family members have been vaccinated.

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July 23 2024 1:29 am V22.5.13-1