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MMI: Top 50 EMS sales reached $384 billion in 2020
Manufacturing Market Insider says that In 2020, sales from the Top 50 EMS companies accounted for USD 384 billion in revenue – an increase of USD 17 billion from 2019.
Top 50 sales increased from the previous year by 4.6% largely as a result of the top ten EMS firms dominating industry growth. This included companies such as Foxconn, Pegatron, Wistron, Jabil, Flex, BYD Electronics, USI, Sanmina, New Kinpo Group, and Celestica with growth rates ranging from -22.1% (Asteelflash) to 31.1% (Katek SE).
Foxconn alone reportedly achieved revenue growth of 5.2% from 2019 to 2020 and accounted for well over half of the Top Ten revenue.
Overall, the APAC region accounted for around 81.9% of the Top 50 EMS revenue, with the Americas representing 16.2% of revenue and EMEA 1.9%. The APAC region achieved the highest growth of 6.0%, while the Americas saw a – 0.2% decline, and EMEA experienced -3.4% negative growth. This illustrates that the APAC region has been the main beneficiary of communications and computer replacement and upgrades that took place in 2020. The medical equipment market expanded strongly for all three regions as did automotive in the EV market.
- MMI mainly tabulates its ranking information through an annual survey of over 100 of the largest EMS companies worldwide.
- All MMI international currency conversions are based on average annual conversion rates established by the U.S. Federal Reserve.