Electronics Production |

Note gets manufacturing contract from Swedish customer

Sweden-headquarted electronics manufacturer Note has secured a new manufacturing deal from an un-named Swedish customer from the industrial market sector.

Demand from one of Note's largest industrial customers in Sweden is developing very positively, the company states in a press release. The electronics manufacturer secured a new multi-year assignment to manufacture advanced customised industrial electronics for the (un-named) customer. The deal entails an expected growth of at least SEK 50 million/year (EUR 5 million/year). Batch production will start in the plant in Torsby (Sweden) during the second half of 2021 and is expected to reach high volumes quickly. “After the autumn's uncertainties and inventory adjustments at the customer level linked to the pandemic, we now see a clear recovery in demand - especially in Sweden, Estonia and China. It is also gratifying that we have gained the trust and won this new deal for one of our largest customers with very high quality requirements”, says Johannes Lind-Widestam, CEO and President of Note, in a press release.

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July 23 2024 1:29 am V22.5.13-2