© Mekoprint

Mekoprint with record revenue despite the pandemic

Mekoprint has been through two major fluctuations in activity over the past Corona year with increases and decreases of over 40%. Despite this, the company has succeeded in continuing overall growth in both revenue and earnings.

The accounts for the Mekoprint Group (ending 30th of September 2020) show an increase in net revenue from DKK 501 million to DKK 509 million (EUR ). Profit before tax increased by 15 per cent from almost DKK 23 million to DKK 26.5 million (EUR ), which is lower than expected. The financial year has been marked by great uncertainty about the level of activity, but overall, Mekoprint looks "back on the year with particular pride in the high level of Teamwork that has brought the company through the crisis", a press release states. “It has by no means been a normal year, so everyone has had to think differently to deal with periods of general decline and succeed with other extraordinary customer needs at other periods. It is only because of a huge level of flexibility and dedication from all employees that we have managed to get through the crisis so well”, says CEO Anders Kold and continues: “As a family-owned company, we think and act with long-term consequences in mind, so very few changes in staffing have been made through the Corona crisis. We compete based on knowledge and good collaboration, which cannot be developed short term.“ The Corona crisis has also had a positive effect, with an increase in the Medical business of almost 20 percent over the past two years – not least due to an increase in components to Respiratory Equipment. The Medical segment is expected to continue to increase with components ranging from hospital equipment and medical devices to sensors used directly on the skin. The expectations for the financial year 2020/21 are continued growth in revenue and earnings on the basis of previous years’ investments – and a continued closer collaboration with customers on their product development.

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