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Cre8tek invests in robotics to increase efficiency and quality

Danish-Chinese electronics manufacturer, Cre8tek, has recently invested in added automation in the shape of robots; which are currently moving into the company’s production plant in Shenzhen with the aim to increase efficiency and quality.

”We have invested millions in robots, thereby making Cre8tek part of Chinese industry's high-tech wave,” says CEO Poul Dørup Olesen, leader of Cre8tek's Danish branch in Hjørring, in a press release. The company designs and manufactures products in China for European companies, mainly lighting and electronics products. The aim with the robots is Cre8tek's efficiency and quality. ”Increasingly, our customers are demanding products that feature IoT (Internet of Things) technology. There is rapid development in this field, and the numbers are growing. Our major investment in robots and automation in our production plant in Shenzhen is chiefly to accommodate customers' wishes in this area,” says Poul Dørup Olesen. The current development within the Chinese industry, going from an employee-intensive low-wage setup to a more automated high-quality production is illustrated by the number of robots being installed in the country. As an example; according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), 79% of the total installations in the electrical/electronics industry were installed in three countries with major production sites in 2018: China (43%), Republic of Korea (19%), Japan (17%). ”We also witness that China has now developed a subcontracting industry that can supply advanced automation equipment and solutions. We now make more use of this in our own production and with our component suppliers,” adds Poul Dørup Olesen.

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April 26 2024 9:38 am V22.4.33-2