© Manz AG
Electronics Production |
Manz: successful production start at Chinese display manufacturer
Manz's Electronics business segment is currently involved in a major contract with a total volume of USD 90 million for wet-chemical processing equipment for manufacturing large-format displays of generation 8.6 substrates (2250 x 2610 mm) with HKC, one of the big display manufacturers on the Chinese market.
Manz says that HKC was able to produce the first LCD TV panel only 69 days after the start of installation of equipment used in wet-chemical exposure, the heart of a display production line. The industry standard for this process is a timeline of 90 to 100 days. Manz received the current order in August 2018, thanks to its decades of expertise in wet-chemical processes and automation.
“Smooth and speedy implementation of this important sub-project is an impressive proof that we, as a mid-sized high-tech equipment manufacturer, can handle large-scale turnkey contracts in Asia on schedule and in record time. This is just one result of our strategy of offering German engineering expertise at locally competitive prices with our locations and qualified employees on site,” says Martin Drasch, CEO of Manz AG, in the release.
Delivery and final acceptance of all machines for the current large-scale order are slated for completion in the second half of 2019. Around 30 % of the order has already been booked to revenues and earnings in 2018, and around 70 % will be booked in the current fiscal year. Manz says that the 2019 forecast already includes revenues and earnings from this order.