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Electronics Production |
Data Modul with new assembly line
A new ESD model assembly line was recently put into operation at the Data Modul Weikersheim (Germany) production site.
In this assembly process, panel PCs and monitors with touchscreens, from 22” to 26”, are manufactured alongside the material. Assembly itself is done using a “one piece flow procedure”: The devices to be assembled do not need to be lifted or carried, but rather are rolled down the entire line by means of a device carrier.
A clean room class 5 flow box has been integrated into the assembly line. As a result, it was possible to integrate a workstation with clean room features into the assembly line. Above all, this means that Data Modul's area of expertise, airgap bonding (bonding of the touch surface and display module) can be done particle-free. The line itself can be used flexible, converted, and for multiple series and a custom product for Data Modul.