© Unimicron Germany
Ruwel puts on the Unimicron suit
As of now, Ruwel International GmbH is no more – the company still exists, so don’t worry, just under a different name.
From the 16th of January 2017, the PCB manufacturer goes under the name, Unimicron Germany GmbH. The legal structure of the company will stay the same, this is more – according to the company – a step towards showing a greater connection to its parent company Unimicron.
Since 2011 and onwards, Ruwel has been the ‘High Reliability Business Unit’ of the Unimicron Group. And with the support from the parent company, Ruwel went from a small, technical simple product range for a few customers to a modern PCB production company with the providing technology services for a large number of well-known customers.
“Due to the great support of Unimicron we can meet the latest requirements of the PCB market and we are now one of the most technically advanced PCB producers in Europe,” the company writes in an update. “Unimicron underlined their support and solidarity after the fire on the 28th December 2016, in which our Masslam-production was destroyed.”