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Get high-tech with your e-joint

I'm not surprised that this comes from a Dutch company, but someone had to make it. But here it is, the world's first electric joint, brought to you by E-Njoint BV.

Currently, 10'000 e-joints per day are produced. The first edition of the E-Njoint is disposable and contains no THC, tobacco or nicotine, making it quite harmless and 100 percent legal. Its design has the typical shape of a joint and a green cannabis leaf lights up through the chrome plated tip, each time the user takes a puff. I've got to be honest with you guys; this is not an article I ever thought I would publish in an online B2B magazine, which focuses on the electronics industry, but this is just too weird and too funny an opportunity to pass up. The second and third edition however can be smoked as real electric joints. The E-Njoint Rechargeable can be filled by users with their own cannabis liquid content. Also E-Njoint is in negotiation with Tikun Olam, a Medical Cannabis Company, in order to purchase knowledge that will allow transforming these products into health products. The E-Njoint Vaporizer can be used to smoke dry herbs, allowing users to smoke weed as well. Who else than the Dutch could come with an electronic version of the joint? “Holland is well known in the world for its tolerant and liberal attitude toward soft drugs and the introduction of this new product clearly makes a statement: As long as you don’t bother or disturb other people and stay within the legal boundaries, all is well”, CEO Menno Contant of E-Njoint says. He predicts a new trend as he sees the product being marketed in Europe without too much marketing efforts. ‘A manufacturers dream’, is what he calls it. “Developed, manufactured and sold at lightning speed. Everyone should feel fine, because what we are doing is no crime”, Menno states.

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May 08 2024 12:45 pm V22.4.44-1