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Baidu 'head to head' with Google?
Google's new augmentative reality gadget – Google Glass – might actually see some competition. The Chinese equivalent of Google – Baidu – is reportedly working on its own eye-ware product.
The product, that internally goes by the name of “Baidu Eye” is being tested by the company itself. Fact, however, is also that the product may never materialise or make an entrance on the commercial floor, according to a Reuters report.
A small LCD screen – mounted on a headset – makes the gadget. The user will then be able to take images and make voice searches, as well as dive into facial recognition.
"What you are doing with your camera, for example, taking a picture of a celebrity and then checking on our database to see if we have a facial image match, you could do the same thing with a wearable visual device," Baidu spokesman Kaiser Kuo told Reuters.
The product will off course be compared to the Google Glass – but according to Kuo, this is a bit premature, as it is still not decided if the product will be released to the public.
"We haven't decided whether it is going to be released in any commercial form right now, but we experiment with every kind of technology that is related to search," Kuo added to Reuters.
As it looks now, technology is getting more and more flexible, and we might see more companies experimenting with super mobile / wearable gadgets.
If these products will be a commercial hit or not, only time will tell.