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Interview: LRZ & PanLink

LRZ Managing Director, Zbigniew Kozicki and PanLink AB CEO, Michael Åkesson told evertiq about the LRZ acquisition by PanLink and its consequences for both companies.

As part of the ongoing expansion of the company, PanLink AB has decided to purchase the whole of the Polish company, LRZ Commerce Ltd. This is not the first acquisition in Pomerania. In 2008, PanLink bought from PartnerTech manufacturing facility in Gdynia. After 4 years, we see the next expansion. Where did this decision about the LRZ acquisition come from? Zbigniew Kozicki (LRZ): LRZ has been growing well in the last two years, getting many new customers including many blue chip companies, becoming the recognizable partner in the cable production segment. To be able to fulfill demands of the existing customers and a considerable number of new ones, we have been looking for about a year now for a strong partner that would add to our dynamic growth the additional level of stability and bring the knowledge that could allow us to additionally increase our offer to the market. Will this acquisition cause any changes for LRZ? How do you see the LRZ contribution to the development of PanLink Group? Zbigniew Kozicki (LRZ): I would say the acquisition does not change anything at the moment. We continue working with our customers the way we have been doing it so far. We have started, at the same time, the process of analysis of what we could improve in both companies, by adding something in each of them that is good and already exist in the other. This is a part of a synergies package that we do believe will additionally improve our services and will soon be noticeable for our customers. We will certainly be able to widen our offering to our customers by using the knowledge and technologies that we have not invested in so far and that are directly available in the sister company. We do believe the acquisition is a fantastic opportunity both companies. It has already raised a lot of excitement and energy in our staff that will certainly be beneficial for and noticeable by our customers. How do you see the LRZ contribution to the development of PanLink Group? Michael Åkesson (PanLink AB): This is another PanLink acquisition on the Pomeranian market based on the implementation strategy, involving expansion into new markets and looking for strong partners. LRZ is the perfect partner who perfectly fits with the products and services within the portfolio of our company. Certainly, cooperation between the two companies will be beneficial to our customers. What’s your opinion about the electronics industry in Poland and its future? Zbigniew Kozicki (LRZ): It is a very difficult question, impossible to answer simply yes or no. I would say Poland has all the chances to be the leader, at least in Europe in the electronic sector. What we have already, that is very important, is the wide and good education system and very ambition generation of young people that like to break with the long history of Poland`s isolation and show they are at the top of this most modern and fastest growing sector of the industry. But education and the knowledge can not produce the numerous researchers or designers, nor the industry. Industry is companies and the legal system must invite the people to start and develop the companies. If not, the good people will emigrate and sell their knowledge, skills and fulfill their ambitions in other countries. Then the answer to your question will be NO.

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