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Organic Electronics Association elects new Board of Directors

The members of the Organic Electronics Association (OE-A) elected a new Board of Directors at their annual General Assembly meeting. Wolfgang Mildner, Chairman, and Andrew Hannah, Vice Chairman, were confirmed in their positions.

The General Assembly meeting of the Organic Electronics Association (OE-A) took place on June 22nd, 2009 at the VDMA in Frankfurt, Germany. The new board represents the entire value chain of this emerging industry. Chairman: Wolfgang Mildner, PolyIC GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Vice Chairman: Andrew Hannah, Plextronics Inc., USA Additional board members: - Dr. Pierre P. Barthélemy, Solvay S.A., Belgium - Prof. Dr. Reinhard R. Baumann, pmTUC, Germany - Dr. Michael Heckmeier, Merck Chemicals Ltd., Great Britain - Woolas Hsieh, Solarmer Energy, Inc., USA - Dr. Stephan Kirchmeyer, H.C. Starck Clevios GmbH, Germany - Thomas Kolbusch, Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH, Germany - Jaap Lombaers, Holst Centre, The Netherlands - Philipp Weissel, plastic electronic GmbH, Austria €žIn the past two years, we were able to significantly extend the international network of the OE-A. The OE-A already has more than 120 members from around the world and continues to grow,“ says Wolfgang Mildner, who has been leading the OE-A as Chairman since its inception. He was reelected to the position for an additional two years. „The new board reflects the international, global reach and membership structure of the OE-A. Andrew Hannah, the Vice Chairman, adds: “The OE-A is the leading industry association in this field – established and run by its members. By opening an OE-A office in North America last year, we took an important step to ensure that our members’ interests are represented on a global basis. I look forward to supporting the continued expansion of our network, especially in North America.“ The new board of the OE-A (left to right): Woolas Hsieh (Solarmer Energy Inc.), Jaap Lombaers (Holst Centre), Philipp Weissel (plastic electronic GmbH), Wolfgang Mildner (PolyIC GmbH & Co. KG, Chairman OE-A), Dr. Pierre P. Barthélemy (Solvay S.A.), Andrew Hannah (Plextronics Inc., Vice Chairman OE-A), Dr. Klaus Hecker (OE-A Managing Director), Dr. Michael Heckmeier (Merck Chemicals Ltd.), Barbara Fisher (Regional Manager, OE-A North America), Dr. Stephan Kirchmeyer, (H.C. Starck Clevios GmbH). (Not pictured: Prof. Dr. Reinhard R. Baumann (pmTUC), Thomas Kolbusch (Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH)). -----About the Organic Electronics Association (OE-A)----- The Organic Electronics Association (OE-A) is a working group within the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) and was founded in December 2004. The OE-A is the leading international industry association for organic and printed electronics and represents the entire value chain of this emerging industry. Our members are worldclass global companies and institutions, ranging from R&D institutes, component and material suppliers to producers and end-users. More than 120 companies from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia are working together to promote the establishment of a competitive production infrastructure for organic electronics. The vision of the OE-A is to build a bridge between science, technology and application. More than 3,000 member companies from the engineering industry make VDMA the largest industry association in Europe.

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