Sponsored content by ILFA Feinstleitertechnik GmbH

ILFA Feinstleitertechnik GmbH, PCB manufacturer from Hannover Germany, invests in latest technology

As one of the longstanding HighTech Prototype and Serial PCB manufacturers in Germany focussing on offering a wide technology range, ILFA has analysed and conducted the investments as part of an overall factory technology and capability upgrade for manufacturing state of the art PCBs.
ILFA is dedicated to be ahead of an ever increasing technology level in order to meet customer demands. Both in HighTech as in MiddleTech products. So ILFA decided to buy the CIMS Galaxy Automatic Optical Inspection and atg-LM Flying Probe Electrical Test systems which are supplied by Dutch based distributor and service provider Adeon Technologies BV. The purchase orders are following extensive benchmarking, from which the results proved to ILFA’s management that these are the right products for them. The CIMS Galaxy AOI offers the latest by CIMS parameterized optical inspection technology. The Cims Galaxy is part of the CIMS SPARK technology. The CIMS AOI systems are capable to work with the wide range of base materials and surface finishes that ILFA is capable to offer to its widely spread customer base worldwide. The atg-LM technology is partially an expansion, and partially a replacement for the atg-LM equipment that has been in use at ILFA for over a decade already. Especially with the Model A7, equipped with the latest state of E-Test technology, ILFA can test finer pitch, smaller pads and also every type of surface finish. The Model A7 enables ILFA to test Embedded Components and is prepared for 4-wire testing. Mr. André Bodegom, MD at ADEON Technologies added: “We are proud of having strong and lasting relationships with ILFA as well as our entire customer base. We will never take any purchase order for granted This new step for ILFA has confirmed to us that this philosophy is recognized by market leaders and so we’ll continue this steady course.” The Managing Partners at ILFA Mr. Thomas Michels & Mr. Christian Behrendt explain their decisions: “The choice for the CIMS AOI and atg-LM secure us of the latest technology, enabling us to stay ahead in the Prototype to Mid-Volume segment of standard rigid/rigid-flex to high complexity PCB manufacturing i.e. hybrid and embedding technology. Click here
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