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Jens Gamperl resigns as CEO of Sourceability

Jens Gamperl, who founded Sourceability back in 2015, announces via LinkedIn that he has resigned as CEO of Sourceability.

The global distributor of electronic components has seen rapid development since its inception. Under the leadership of founder and CEO Jens Gamperl the company reached USD 1 billion in sales, in less than eight years.

As stated earlier, Sourceability was founded back in 2015 and today the company has over 350 employees in 20 locations globally. The company rose to stardom with its e-commerce marketplace, Sourcengine, its solution for market intelligence, analytics, and obsolescence case management, Datalynq, and its quoting and Bill of Material (BOM) management tool known as Quotengine. 

Back in January 2023, Austin-based investment firm CrowdOut Capital acquired Sourceability from Zollner Elektronik AG in a management-led buyout. Jens Gamperl told Evertiq at the time that the acquisition by CrowdOut would allow the company to enter new markets and new regions. 

“Our focus will be on the expansion of our digital services and products. Additionally, we will expand in countries like Korea, Japan and other European countries,” he said.

Today, however, the CEO announced his resignation via LinkedIn. Mr. Gamperl says that he will continue to stay on the board of the company and that he is excited for the future och Sourceability.

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