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KLA and imec team up to advance the electrification of the auto industry

KLA Corporation and imec intend to establish the Semiconductor Talent and Automotive Research (STAR) initiative, focusing on developing the talent base and infrastructure necessary to accelerate advanced semiconductor applications for electrification and autonomous mobility.

This initiative is designed to connect automotive, semiconductor and innovation research initiatives in Europe (Belgium), the United States (Michigan) and Asia (Japan). Each partner will bring relevant expertise to identify and manage programs aligned to the automotive industry, as well as talent development and recruitment.

The plan establishes a centre of excellence in Michigan to formalise support for the development of the semiconductor industry workforce – as well as the advancement of autonomous automotive solutions and electric vehicle research. 

Founding partners include General Motors, the University of Michigan, Washtenaw Community College and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). 

The Michigan centre intends to focus on accelerating fundamental and advanced research for vehicle electrification and autonomous automotive solutions. It will also develop innovations in vehicle electrification and autonomous automotive technologies while collaborating with learning institutions. Adding to this the centre will also create a physical collaboration space, laboratory and training spaces, and incubator funding for related startups.

"Michigan is recognized globally as a hub for industry and innovation with a robust manufacturing, research and education infrastructure, making it a natural choice for the STAR Initiative's North American research center location. In addition to KLA, imec and founding members, additional organizations are expected to join as the program matures," the companies write in a press release.

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