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Rochester Electronics invests in batch cleaning solution

Rochester Electronics has partnered with Austin American Technology (AAT) for its batch cleaning needs and purchased an Aqua THERM 4.0.

“Rochester Electronics chose to purchase a second system from AAT as we continue to expand our capabilities and capacity for semiconductor manufacturing in Newburyport,” says Steve Shermer, Director Assembly Engineering, Rochester Electronics in a press release. “The Aqua THERM 4.0 is an easy-to-use, reliable tool that allows us to quickly and efficiently clean our products during assembly.”

With the Aqua THERM 4.0, Rochester Electronics will benefit from the lowest initial cost batch cleaner as well as the lowest process costs with a fully open-loop configuration to accommodate the increase in water-only cleaning. The Aqua THERM 4.0 has been updated recently from the previous Aqua THERM 9100 to include faster cycle times, and better recipe control. With supplemental high-temperature capability, the system reduces cycle times while maintaining high product cleanliness and throughput.

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July 23 2024 1:29 am V22.5.13-1