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Singulus Technologies receives order for new pilot machine

Singulus Technologies AG has received an order for the delivery of a pilot machine of the next generation for selenization machines of the CISARIS CX3 type.

After the success of the development work with the process modules delivered in 2020, the commissioning of the CISARIS CX3 is planned for a pilot production in Germany, a press release reads. For the manufacturing of CIGS modules for the various sites of CNBM in China, Singulus Technologies supplies machines for the selenization (CISARIS), sputtering (VISTARIS) and evaporation (SELENIUS). In particular the selenization machine CISARIS was already delivered to the production sites of CNBM several times and, amongst others, forms the core of the CIGS solar module production. It is planned that this new machine generation will be employed for the future production sites and the additional capacity expansion of the CIGS factories. “We have already worked on the development and optimization of the selenization machines of the CISARIS type with this customer since 2008. Our CISARIS selenization machines are an important step in the entire production process. The CIGS thin-film technology by CNBM will meet the higher demands of the market in the future even more through the use of new equipment. With the new CISARIS CX3 selenization machine, the production costs are further reduced and both the cell performance as well as the production output is improved. This will make the CIGS technology even more efficient and competitive in the future,” says Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck, Chief Executive Officer of Singulus Technologies, in the press release. The production capacities for CIGS solar modules in China are set to increase substantially in the coming years. Singulus is involved in all major investments in China with machines for various CIGS processes.

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July 23 2024 1:29 am V22.5.13-2