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Rebound Electronics expands in Asia
The independent supplier of electronic components says it is investing to increase its market coverage in Asia with the opening of several new offices and setting up a customer service & telesales centre.
The UK-based company is making a push for the Asian market. Rebound Asia has long established offices in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and the Philippines. However, with this new investment the company will add further new offices and customer facing resources in China (multiple locations), Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, and Japan.
Besides this the supplier is building a Customer Service & Telesales Centre of Excellence in Manila to support the teams across Asia; at the same time Rebound is also upgrading its Asia Regional Distribution Centre in Hong Kong. And that is not the only upgrade the company’s operations will see, fresh for Rebound is also a new in-house test lab in Hong Kong
“In some ways Asia & Europe are similar in that they are both multi country, multilingual, multi-cultural and our European heritage & experience serves us well to address this. Our philosophy at Rebound is to ’Be Local while leveraging our Global Infrastructure for the benefit of Customers.’ These additional investments in Asia will enhance our services to Customers,” says Grant Fairbairn, Managing Director Asia, in a press release
One should also remember that the company has managed to make these investments even during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
“The Covid Virus is desperately sad with tragic loss of life and its effect on everyday life for billions of people, however the dynamism & entrepreneurial character of Asia will ensure that it bounces back & Rebound will be even better positioned to support its Customers,” says Mr. Fairbairn.