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TomTom joins forces with Elektrobit for automated driving

TomTom and Elektrobit will collaborate to demonstrate an Electronic Horizon system for driver assistance functions and autonomous vehicles, combining TomTom AutoStream, and Elektrobit’s EB robinos Predictor.

TomTom AutoStream is an ‘Cloud to Car’ map delivery system which streams the latest map data from the TomTom Cloud to the vehicle. EB robinos Predictor is an in-vehicle Electronic Horizon solution that uses this map data to provide highly accurate and up-to-date information about the road ahead. This allows car makers to improve safety and comfort in automated driving. Willem Strijbosch, TomTom’s Head of Autonomous Driving, said: “Our collaboration with Elektrobit allows us to power automated driving functions with the latest high definition map, while reducing complexity and time to market for our customers.” Martin Schleicher, Executive Vice President, Head of Business Management, Elektrobit, comments: “When it comes to automated driving, reliability is paramount. We are delighted to work alongside our long-time partner, TomTom, in delivering a state-of-the-art solution that will enable carmakers to equip their vehicles with more precise automated driving systems by leveraging highly precise maps.” The joint project will combine TomTom AutoStream and EB robinos Predictor to establish a demonstrator, evaluation and development platform for the automotive market.

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