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Chinese fingerprint sensors flood market

Market experts believe that we will see a dominance of ZTE and TPK in second half of 2015.

Chinese traders expect - for the second half of 2015 - strong demand for fingerprint sensors from the smartphone industry. Over the past two years, fingerprint technology has experienced a growth rate of about 80 percent - mainly driven by Chinese manufacturers. O-Film, for instance, envisions to become - together with Synaptics - a major supplier; new products are planned for the second half of 2015. Monthly production output for the joint venture is to reach about four million fingerprint sensors. Display manufacturer TPK enters its new fiscal year with confidence, while Chinese producers, such as Coolpad or ZTE, promise high turnover figures. Local Chinese suppliers try to capture the market and make fingerprint sensors socially acceptable: with extremely low prices. Experts believe that the price could fall by year-end to well below the five-dollar mark (about 4.30 euros).

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