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European semiconductor market on the rise month-on-month
Following the growth observed in the European semiconductor market in June, semiconductor sales were up again on a month-on-month basis in July, the European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA).
July sales amounted to USD 2.695 billion, up 0.7 % from the USD 2.669 billion sales in June. On a worldwide basis, semiconductor sales in July 2016 were USD 27.081 billion, up 2.6% versus the previous month. All growth figures represent a threemonth rolling average.
The semiconductor product categories, which contributed most to the July growth in Europe, were Logic devices, MOS Memory and Optoelectronics, up 8.5%, 6% and 0.5% respectively compared to June.
Sales of application-specific chips also grew in July over June, both worldwide (up 1.2%) and in Europe (up 1.4%). On a global level, application-specific semiconductor devices designed to be used in automotive, computer, consumer and wired communication applications performed particularly well in July.