Electronics Production |

Perlos to found plant in Mexico

Perlos is to found a manufacturing plant in the Reynosa region in Mexico. Reynosa is home to an agglomeration of the telecommunications industry in northern Mexico.

The new plant will have an area of approximately 15 000 square metres, and the investment will total approximately 14 million euros. The plant is expected to be in operation during the summer of 2005. Initially, the plant will serve Perlos’ main customers by offering manufacturing and assembly services of mechanical modules. The aim is to expand the value offering to several other potential customers in the Reynosa area. - The Reynosa plant is necessary because of the growth of the American market. Our primary aim is to guarantee quick deliveries to our customers. For the telecommunications industry in particular, having our operations situated in the vicinity of our customers’ plants is very important, states Isto Hantila, President of Perlos Corporation. Perlos already has two plants in the Americas, one in Fort Worth in the USA and one in Manaus, Brazil. The new Reynosa plant adds Perlos’ presence and value offering in the American market.

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May 08 2024 12:45 pm V22.4.44-2