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ST-Ericsson to lay off 430 in Sweden
ST-Ericsson annonced today that 430 employees have to leave the company.
"It is both staff and consultants", says Kristina Embring Klang, press officer for ST-Ericsson in Northern Europe.
ST-Ericsson has approximately 2 000 employees in Lund. Last week the company announced that the staff in ST-Ericsson will be cut by 1 200 of the company's total of 8 000 employees globally. The personnel in Lund have now been informed that 430 will be layed off in Sweden.
"We have units in Lund, Linköping and Kista. Most people are working in Lund. But we do not yet know how it will strike at the different offices", says Kristina Embring Klang, press officer at ST Ericsson, according sydsvenskan.se.