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EMS deal comparison Q1 2008

In Q1 2008 there was one transaction that was included in the private equity investment category compared to two in Q4 2007. Private equity investments represented 8% of total transactions in Q1 2008.

As shown in Chart A above, there were 13 completed transactions in the first quarter of 2008, compared to 12 in the last quarter and 14 in the first quarter of 2007. As illustrated in Chart B above, EMS consolidations decreased from six transactions in the last quarter of 2007, or 50% of transactions, to five transactions in this quarter, or 38% of transactions. OEM divestitures decreased from four in the last quarter to one in the first quarter of 2008. OEM divestitures represented 8% of total transactions. EMS divestitures were steady with no transactions in the first quarter of 2008 as well as the last quarter of 2007. As displayed below in Chart C, only 8% of the deals in Q1 2008 were cross border, the lowest percentage in over two years. Within this category,region and a low-cost region. In comparison, three of the transactions in Q4 2007 were between highcost regions and three were from high-cost regions to low-cost regions. For Q1 2008, four transactions occurred within the U.S./Canada region compared to one in Q4 2007. Six of the closed transactions in the first quarter of 2008 occurred within Western Europe, the highest total since we began tracking this data, and two occurred within Asia. As shown in Chart D above, transactions for the quarter were led by the Micro Tier, totaling seven. Large Tier EMS companies closed only one transaction. There were five Mid Tier transactions and no Small Tier transactions.

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April 26 2024 9:38 am V22.4.33-1