Adding a flexible current limit
Question: Could I easily and precisely limit a current to my load?
Three compact solutions for high step-down voltage ratios
Question: What are some methods for achieving a compact design under high step-down voltage ratios?
Why AMR sensors are a great option for high precision position measurements
Question: What is the best type of sensor to measure the position of moving and rotating elements?
RF demystified – understanding wave reflections
Question: Wave reflections—why are they important to understand in RF designs?
How to easily select the right frequency generation component
Question: What is the right frequency generation component for my application?
A guide for choosing the right RF amplifier for your application
Question: How do I choose the right RF amplifier and what are their differences?
A new, better way to optimize a signal chain with a continuous-time sigma-delta converter
Question: Why should I consider using CTSD ADCs to improve my signal chain design?
Three options to optimize the control loop of power converters
Question: Is there an easy way to select the external components for power converters?
How to use LTspice simulations to account for the effect of voltage dependence
Question: How can I take the DC bias effect of multi-layer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) into account in circuit simulations?
Point-of-Load DC-to-DC converters solve voltage accuracy, efficiency, and latency issues
Question: Why use point-of-load (POL) power supplies where the DC-to-DC converter is as close as possible to the load?
The Perilous Path from the Transducer to the ADC: What’s an Engineer to Do?
Question: Is there a building block that allows me to take a tiny transducer output signal directly to an ADC input voltage?
How a 16-Bit Output Module with Voltage and Current Outputs Can Be Controlled with Full Isolation
Question: How could I design a microcontroller-controlled isolated 16-bit output module?
Voltage Conversion in Four Quadrants
Question: What is a four-quadrant power supply?
Keeping EMI from LED drivers under control
Question: How can I reduce electromagnetic interference when using LED drivers in lighting design?
Generating very low voltages with standard regulators
Question: What is a good solution for generating a tiny dc supply voltage of a few hundred millivolts?
Design of an adjustable voltage output using a push-button digital potentiometer
Question: How could I use a digital potentiometer to generate an adjustable voltage output?
Energy storage using supercapacitors: How big is big enough?
Question: Can I use a simple energy calculation when selecting a supercapacitor for a backup system?
Wide voltage range automotive circuit protector
Question: Are there overvoltage and undervoltage protection devices available, especially for automotive applications?
RMS Power vs. Average Power
Question: Should I use units of root mean square (rms) power to specify or describe the ac power associated with my signal, system, or device?
Ultralow noise, 48V, phantom microphone power supply using a tiny DC-to-DC boost converter
Question: Can I produce a compact, ultralow noise, phantom power supply (48 V) from a 5 V, 12 V, or 24 V input?
LTspice Audio WAV Files: Using Stereo and Encrypting Voice Messages
Question: Can you utilize stereo data and encrypt voice messages with LTspice audio WAV files?
Current Noise in FET Input Amps
Question: Why is my design noisier at higher frequencies?
On building physically accurate analog switch macromodels
Question: Can I improve the LTspice® model of an analog switch in case my analog design contains switches and muxes?
Manipulating MCU SPI interface to access a non-standard SPI ADC
Question: Can I access a nonstandard SPI interface with my MCU?
Adjusting the gain of a fixed-gain difference amplifier
Question: Is it possible to increase the gain of a fixed-gain difference amplifier?
Inductor current measurement in switched power supplies
Question: How do you measure inductor current?
A simple way to measure temperature using one GPIO digital interface
Question: How can I make an analog measurement if I only have a single GPIO left on the FPGA/microprocessor for my system?
Bootstrapping a low voltage Op Amp to operate with high voltage signals and supplies
Question: Can I bootstrap a low voltage amplifier to get a high voltage buffer?
When smaller is better
Question: How does a μModule® regulator fit into such a small space?
How to convert light intensity into an electrical quantity
Question: How could I measure the light intensity of different light sources?
Guidelines for placing the inductor on a switch mode power supply printed circuit board
Question: Where Should the Coil Go?
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